The Yantra for the Correction of Directions 16,5" x 16,5"
If you detect a defect in your apartment or on your premises that can be traced back to the fact that a certain object, a room or entrance is located in the wrong direction, you may use the following yantra in order to correct the defect. Of course, you should first of all try to correct the defect according to the 108 Step List. If, however, this is not or not immediately possible you can help yourself by falling back on this yantra.
In the center of this yantra is the Vastupurusha whose head points to the northeast. Furthermore, all 32 main and secondary directions are represented in this yantra. If a certain room is located in the wrong direction, you should place the yantra outside the room above the entrance door. If there are many defects of direction in a house, you can also put the yantra above the main entrance. The same goes for a misplaced entrance.
Order nr.: Y012A
All vasati yantras are in color and are without exception printed at rare astrologically calculated moments. Only in this way it is guaranteed that they will carry in them exclusively the positive powers of the planets.