Nectar for the soul (MP3)
Sacinandana Swami ... has been a monk in the bhakti tradition since 1971. He is known for his significant contribution to the practice of contemplation and meditation for modern practitioners of bhakti. Sacinandana Swami has published seven books and released two CDs, and offers an array of retreats, seminars, and workshops. Thousands of enthusiastic singers and dancers visit his kirtan concerts. He teaches at the Vrindavana Institute for Higher Education in India and the Bhaktivedanta College in Belgium. Furthermore, Sacinandana Swami serves as the spiritual guide for the Veda Academy, which is active in eight countries, and recently founded the organization, "Yoga Is Music". Fond of India’s sacred pilgrimage sites, he annually goes there to seek personal inspiration. Although his pilgrimages have taken him all over the subcontinent, he is particularly fond of the sacred land of Vrindavan, the birthplace of Lord Krishna.
Bhagavad-Gita - MP3; Sacinandana Swami
Bhagavad-Gita Das einflußreichste Weisheitsbuch Indiens Die Bhagavad-Gita (wörtlich..
12.00€ Ex Tax: 10.08€
Sacred Space - Der Raum im Inneren (Audio-CD, Deutsch); Sacinandana Swami
Audio-CD mit Einführungs-Heft Meditation ist einer der Wege, die in den inneren Raum fü..
12.00€ Ex Tax: 10.08€
Die 6 Gosvamis - MP3; Sacinandana Swami
Das Leben und die Lehren der wichtigsten Schüler Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhus 12-teilige Vorlesung..
14.00€ Ex Tax: 11.76€
Sacred Space - Guided Meditation (Audio-CD, English); Sacinandana Swami
Audio-CD with introductory booklet Someone once said that what’s on our outs..
12.00€ Ex Tax: 10.08€
Lord Shiva und das Wesen der Transformation - CD; Sacinandana Swami
"Wie kann mein Leben im Plan Gottes nützlich sein?" Aus dem Inhalt: Eine Pil..
10.00€ Ex Tax: 8.40€
Nektar aus dem Srimad Bhagavatam - MP3; Sacinandana Swami
Die Essenz der Weisheit Indiens Sommerferienlager in Dole 1999 12-teilige Vorlesungsreihe "..
14.00€ Ex Tax: 11.76€
Ramayana - MP3; Sacinandana Swami
Die Geschichte von Sri Ramacandra und Sita devi 6-teilige Vorlesungsreihe "In der achtzehnt..
12.00€ Ex Tax: 10.08€
Sastra-caksu - MP3; Sacinandana Swami
Durch die Schriften sehen 12-teilige Vorlesungsreihe "Krishna lehrt die vergessliche, bedin..
14.00€ Ex Tax: 11.76€
Vaisnavis - MP3; Sacinandana Swami
Frauen und die Verehrung Krishnas Vorlesungsreihe "Der äußere Körper ist nu..
12.00€ Ex Tax: 10.08€